Covenant Journey Fellowship

Covenant Journey (CJ) is a corporate expression of Christian believers who profess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and join together in prayer, Bible study, and worship. We call this community of believers Covenant Journey Fellowship.

Weekly Fellowship

We have multiple fellowship meetings on our Florida campus throughout the week for prayer and worship. We also have weekly fellowship and Bible study on our Washington, DC, campus.

Monthly Fellowship

In addition to weekly fellowship, we have a special monthly fellowship on our Florida campus. Each month we focus on a specific passage of Scripture and expound on its applications to our lives and mission. This time of fellowship provides a special time to pray for individual needs and the ministry. In addition to the weekly fellowship on our Washington, DC, campus, we also meet monthly for a time of special fellowship and Bible study.

CJ Alumni Fellowship

CJ Student Alumni groups remain connected, no matter where they are in the world, through our social media platforms. Some groups conduct regular fellowship, Bible study, and prayer. The fellowship times vary depending on the group.

CJ Campus Fellowship

CJ Fellowship is for college and university students on their respective campuses.

CJ Israel Fellowship

There is no place like Israel for Christian fellowship, Bible study, and prayer. The Bible comes to life in the Holy Land. Covenant Journey provides many opportunities for students, churches, and groups to experience Israel. Our mission is to provide an immersive experience in the Holy Land to strengthen your Christian faith.  Our time in Israel is filled with learning, Bible study, praise, worship, and prayer. Experiencing Israel with a focus on spiritual enrichment and growth is life-changing. Covenant Journey offers several options for powerful fellowship in Israel.

The Holy Land Tour is led by the senior pastor of Covenant Journey and an experienced minister who have been to Israel many times.

The second option is for Christian college-age students with leadership potential. The senior pastor (or another pastor selected by Covenant Journey) along with an experienced minister of Covenant Journey lead these tours.

The third option is for other Churches and Groups.